• We are receiving a lot of photographs from people who own (or are being offered) an artwork made by Ivan or Josip Generalic and would like to check if it’s a genuine piece or just a forgery.
    In most cases, everything is fine as the work matches our database or reproductions in books, but sometimes we discover a fake. Also, there are “suspicious” paintings, when the style doesn’t match the author but we don’t have a photograph of the original to confirm it.
    Here are a few examples.


  • Sometimes prints on canvas and even glass are offered as originals. Here’s an example of a destroyed (broken) painting which still exists on the market in a form of a simple reproduction, a few times offered as a genuine work. Beware, there are more prints of this one around the world.
Long gone original and its prints on canvas...

Long gone original and its prints on canvas…

IG krave 1 IG krave 2 IG krave 3 IG krave 5 IG krave 6


  • Here’s a really good example of a bad forgery…

Ivan Generalic – Original




  • Or this one, which is so bad that even the signature is totally wrong.
Epic signature fail

Signature fail


  • This one also has its fake counterpart…





  • There are cases of switching the frames, using the one which once might have housed a genuine work, to sell a different painting:
Signature only on frame

Signature only on frame

Signature only on frame

Signature only on frame


  • Here are a few “paintings on glass” which are numbered, meaning they simply can’t be unique oil on glass artworks.

IG Veselica 70x60cm 2 IG Veselica 70x60cm 3 IG Veselica 4 IG Veselica 4a


Flowers on the internet sale and (below) the one from our archive 

  • Flowers on the internet sale (left) and the one from our archive (right)



White bird(s) many copies + original

  • White bird(s) many copies + original



  • Croatian police owns this one in their museum…
Fake Abyss signed I.G.63

Fake Abyss signed I.G.63



  • By sending a clear, well focused, large photo of the artwork you own, made by Ivan or Josip Generalic, you are helping us to build up our database and help other people.
    Your identity (name, e-mail, location etc.) will never be published nor publicly associated with the artwork you send.
    Thank you!
