Q: What is this?
A: A sketch made with pencil on paper, more or less detailed drawing used later for making an oil on glass painting. A rough treatment the sketch goes through when a painting is made results in their “bad shape”. They often have torn pieces, sometimes glued or taped back by the author, plus the usual traces of oil colour. Some of them have various notes and reminders put right there by the author.

Delivery by airmail (please allow up to 14 days for export permit). For personal pickup the artwork is available immediately.
Sold unframed.
Worldwide shipping.


FAQ: Some photographs are bad, I can’t see the work clearly.
A: Email me a complete name and description of the drawing you want to buy and I’ll send you a better shot with a few closeup shots.


Josip Generalic, Our Dinamo, coloured drawing, 70×50 cm, 1982 – 600 eur

Recommended with this purchase:

  • Original drawing (sketch on paper) by Josip Generalić, was created for the oil on glass painting “Our Dinamo 1982”. Later, a series of color silkscreens has also been made. The sketch, oil on glass painting and then a series of 250 silkscreen prints were created after Dinamo won the Championship in 1982. 
  • Originalni crtež (skica na papiru) autora Josipa Generalića, nastao je kao predložak za sliku ulje na staklu “Naš Dinamo 1982.” Kasnije je prema djelu na staklu izrađena i serija svilotisaka u boji. Crtež olovkom, ulje na staklu, a potom i serija od 250 svilotisaka nastali su nakon poznatog osvanjanja prvenstva 1982. godine.

Josip Generalic, Josipa Lisac, drawing, 54×51 cm – 1.000 eur

The above was a sketch for this painting:


Josip Generalic, Arsen (Dedic), 1974, p-60 cm – 1.000 eur

The above was a sketch for this painting:


Josip Generalic, 1982, Family picnic, pencil on paper, 120×100 cm – 500 eur

The above was a sketch for this painting:






Complete offer will be back soon…


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