Q: What do these artworks present?
A: From Josip Generalic’s biography: “…Due to personal tragedies in his life, some of Generalic works make up the phase which he himself called the Black Phase…”
Works on paper are sold without frame.
Works on canvas or glass are sold with frame.

Josip Generalic, Goat’s pleasant surprise / Kozino ugodno iznenađenje, oil on glass / ulje na staklu, 100×80 cm, 1985 – 8.000 eur

Josip Generalic, Love between Butterfly woman and a bat / Ljubav Leptirice i Šišmiša, oil on glass / ulje na staklu, 100×80 cm, 1985 – 8.000 eur

Josip Generalic, Mutant with flowers / Mutant s cvijećem, 30×42 cm, oil on canvas / ulje na platnu, 1977 – 2.000 eur

Josip Generalic, Transformation / Preobražaj, pencil on paper / olovka na papiru, 100×150 cm, 1985 – 2.000 eur
The above was a sketch for this painting:
- Josip Generalic, 1985, Transformation of two-headed amphibian, oil on glass

Josip Generalic, Me in Kafka’s Insect / Ja u Kafkinom Kukcu, pencil on paper / olovka na papiru, 110×150 cm, 1985 – 2.000 eur

Josip Generalic, Tarantula and Octopod fish, watercoloured silkscreen, 50×70 cm/32×58 cm, 1986 – 200 eur (12 on stock)
“War in Croatia” opus / Iz opusa “Rat u Hrvatskoj”

Josip Generalic, 1991, Croatia in blood – Crosses on fire (town), acrylic on paper, 100×70 cm – Price on request

Josip Generalic, 1991, Croatia in blood – Crosses under fire (grave), acrylic on paper, 100×70 cm – Price on request

Josip Generalic, Croatian rose, water-coloured silkscreen, 73x50cm/83x100cm, 1992 – Price on request

Josip Generalic, The Angel of peace, water-coloured silkscreen, 73x50cm/83x100cm, 1992 – Price on request
Dragutin Feletar (1941, geographical publicist) & Josip Generalic (1936-2004, illustrations)
Published by Museum of Koprivnica, 1987
Price: 1.000 eur (folder, foreword, 10 artworks) +p&p
Prsten od zmije – The Ring of a Snake
“… After long and serious illness his (Josip Generalic) mother died. By his mother’s death as if the part of his own were lost. His father lvan was also leaving, and deep conflicts and traumas within himself turned him toward some new themes and forms in his paintings.
Now there appears the opus of psycho-sociological paintings as they are called by historians of arts.
The author calls this opus The Black Phase:
“Guiana 78”, 1978; “Trauma I”, 1979; “Do not wish for your neighbor’s land”, 1979; “The Ugly Creature s Hug”, 1980; “The Ugly Creature Allergic to Bees”, 1983, and others….”
“… The Ring of a Snake is a convincive iconography of horror.
There is no doubt that the graphics contain the most exciting drawings by Josip Generalic. These are symbols of debauchery that are comprehensible in all respects: and these are the signia of unworthiness on which the artist is putting a curse. If the arstist’s moral judgement derives from his life experience, his expression is built on the creative intuition extracted from the shapelessness of his excited frame of mind…”
Price: 500 eur +p&p